Connecting farmers and food banks.
This research project is intended to reduce the waste of fresh and nutritious food while decreasing the percentage of American's that are food insecure.
The facts
Percent of produce is never eaten
Million tons of fresh fruits and veggies
Percent of the entire food supply is thrown away
Percent of Americans are food insecure
the state of being without reliable access to a sufficient quantity of affordable, nutritious food.
1 in 7 people in the US rely on Food Banks
System & Stakeholders
At the beginning of this project I was able to volunteer with a food bank in Delaware and observe the entire food delivery process. Below is a diagram of the results of that day of observation and interviews with several stakeholders.

Pain Points
After I was able to witness the entire process, inefficiencies became quite clear. These are some of most important factors that I attempted to solve for.
Time is Ticking
Expiration dates are the enemy. The faster the food is retrieved, the more good it can do.
Unclear Logistics
Busy farmers have trouble sparing time to deliver food, but often provide far too much food to fit in most cars.
Communication is essential for logistics, but also keep in touch for possible future deliveries.
Stakeholder's need a tool to communicate efficiently and to learn more about the process that they're apart of.

Root's brand focuses on the connection its users can make with each other and the roots they can make in the community.
Key Features
Root allows food suppliers to post whenever they have surplus food to donate. These posts can be viewed by volunteers in the community that work to distribute the food. It also provides direct, safe communication between the two parties to orchestrate delivery and food expiration dates and information.

Local News Feed
See what food others need and are sharing around you.
Plan pickup and logistics and stay in touch through the app.
Learn & Share
Browse information about how to store produce.

The onboarding flow helps identify the delivery capabilities of each volunteer distributor.
Root Rewards
Every delivery that is completed is recorded and shared. Encouraging participation from other members of the community.

Safe Messaging
Root allows members of the same community to message each other to coordinate deliveries, but validates any new messaging with mutual connections and community engagement.
After the concept was competed, I returned to the food bank in Delaware and conducted post interviews with users and got there feedback on the concept.

Results & Reflection
The interviews with stakeholders were very promising, they received the ideas well and expressed interest in actually trying out the application. For further proof of concept and feedback, I'm planning to create a facebook group for the community and testing the concept. Facebook will provide a great medium to test through by incorporating the posting and messaging aspects of this concept.
Other Work